Thursday, May 1, 2008

Thursday Night Pace Line Ride

It's May Day 2008 and the first Thursday night pace line ride for the Melon City Bike Club. We had a group of seven cyclists: Greg, Mike, Wilford, John, Ira, Jim and myself. There was a 12-18 mph wind out of the south and so we headed out of Harper's Bike Shop at 6pm into the wind. The pace into the wind was 18-21 mph and when we turned around the pace picked up to 22-26. We ended up doing a 30 mile ride.

It was good to get the experience of riding in a group going at fast speeds. The pace line works by each rider taking turns at the front for a short period of time 10-15 seconds. Then the next person goes in front and you get to rest for a minute or two while you draft. This gives you a chance to get your heart rate back down before going back out front again.

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